Wednesday, April 12, 2017

A Perspective on Nuclear

Our so-called modern society has been built on very narrow view on life. 

For example, ever since we discovered nuclear capabilities, many countries in the world are obsessed about it. Some are seeing it as the ultimate weapon; some others are spending so much time trying to use it as a highly dangerous power generator. Either way, the obsession to nuclear is such as if it is the ultimate technology humanity can ever come to. In the mean time, the world spends very little time to figure out the magic of nature, like how a bright, fragrant pink rose can emerge from nothing other than brown soil, air, water and sunlight. Next to the rose, the same brown soil, air, water and sunlight produce sweet purple grapes and sour and yellow lemon. There is so much to discover from nature and here is humanity cooped up with nuclear.

The truth is no amount of nuclear power can kill so many as climate change could. Why does it matter if the USA, Russia and China have thousands of nuclear warheads, if at the same time the farmers are unable to harvest because the climate has changed? We may all die of starvation before any of those nuclear warhead got to be used. Societies, countries are so afraid of the nuclear power because they are looking at it from a very fearful perspective. If we take away the fear factor, it will become so clear that the US need not need to care if a crazy guy from North Korea is chasing a nuclear capability. He may even lost interest in the subject the moment the media stop mentioning his name.

There is nothing to fear. If we are meant to die, we will (there are millions of ways death can happen). On the other hand, if we are meant to live, we won’t be dead even if we try. If humans stop being so fearful then the stupid nuclear race will die on its own path like an old balloon that’s fade and soon to “pop” (to quote Cole Porter).